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High School Teams
Meet the Owner
Welcome Y'all
My name is Lacie and I am the owner of Vintage So-AL. I am currently working on my second degree at Troy University. While attending school, I enjoy taking photos as the photography editor for the university's yearbook and painting in my spare time. I decided to embark on the journey of owning my own business (with the help from my mom) in May of 2018 to help offset the cost of school and to keep in touch with my painting/crafting abilities.
Deciding on a name was a bit of a challenge. My Mom and I have both been called old souls due to our appreciation of vintage crafts and history. Since we live in South Alabama, we decided to incorporate (So)uth (AL)abama into So-AL. With the addition of Vintage to the name, we then had a business that represented two crafty Alabama girls.
Vintage So-AL is a boutique that caters to those who appreciate handmade crafts and gifts. While there are many different handmade crafts to choose from at Vintage So-AL, I like to focus my time on the door hangers, farm signs, and wreaths, for I feel like I can express my creativity through painting and lettering. I hope that you enjoy your Vintage So-AL originals and show your appreciation by following us on social media. Also, be sure to keep an eye out for us at craft shows around the South Alabama area.